Preparing you for emergencies.
Teaching you life-saving skills.
Instilling you with the confidence to respond when needed.
Safety Steph CPR & First Aid Training was born out of a desire to share life-saving skills with those who wished to be prepared in emergencies. A drive to give back to the community, and inspire future generations to pursue healthcare as a profession. At Safety Steph our instructors’ one goal is to prepare each student with the skills they need to confidently and successfully respond to emergencies.
Stephanie Cornthwaite
Founder, Lead Instructor
Stephanie combined her extensive healthcare experience and entrepreneurial spirit to create Safety Steph CPR & First Aid Training. Patient education is the first step to helping people to be healthy. Translating those skills she applies the addage, “Knowledge is Power!” into every classe she teaches sharing these skills and information into a fun and interactive class. Sharing her experience with her students. Stephanie continues her desire for lifelong learning and community engagement through volunteerism, and pursuing her degree as a nurse practitioner.
Looking for New Instructors
Do you love to teach?
Do you have healthcare experience?
Give us a call!
CPR • Saves • Lives •

Classes for individuals, and any size group.
BLS for healthcare
American Heart Association Basic Life Support for healthcare workers.
Pediatric First Aid, CPR, & AED
Designed for those who work or live with, or know children.
CPR, AED, & First Aid
This course meets OSHA requirements for safety.
Severe Bleeding Control
Gives basic instruction on how to manage severe bleeding in situations like mass shootings, stabbings, or other severe emergencies.
Contact us.
Valencia, Ca., 91354